216 · NAVA News CONTEST CORNER Tough Trivia Ten By GREG NEDVED Answers to Last Issue's Questions: 1. Which nation's flag was used for target practice in June 2012 war games? North Korea (U.S. and South Korea fired at it but never hit it). 2. What two Latin American nations ...
Also ranks #12 on17 Fascinating Bits Of Trivia We Never Knew Before Also ranks #42 onThe Best-Looking Male Celebrities With Curly Hair Devo Springsteen Hip hop music, Pop music, Rap music Grammy Award-winning music producer and songwriter Devo Springsteen hails from Columbus, Ohio, and has ma...
Excesss Trivia provides TV-style buzzer ring-in trivia nights, with full multimedia questions! Pictures, movie clips, sounds, and music are all part of the fun when Excesss Trivia comes to your bar or special event! Excesss Trivia can even customize the questions for your bar, or even use...
Mr. Trivia Nerd: The Question In Lieu of Jeopardy Music Mr. Trivia Nerd: Answers Steve Says Thanks Crew SC and the LA Galaxy played to a 1-1 tie on Saturday, but let’s face it, what most people are going to remember about the night are the two-hour-and-15-minute lightning delay...
Dave Casto, the creator of Excesss Productions, just LOVES to chat. He would be glad to talk to you about bringing karaoke (or trivia!) To your fine bar or restaurant each week. You could talk to him about special events, corporate gatherings, private events, or even public/charitable op...
If you need soft background music, a fun interactive trivia show or an exciting rock and roll concert, Bill can meet your needs! Performing since 1980, Bill is a full-time Classic Rock/Oldies/Folk Rock Musician who tours nationally. CD’s can also be provided during music breaks, and he...
Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museumat Ohio State has exhibits and programming that comic book and cartoon fans will love. It’s always free! Bank of Americacustomers get aFree Museum Passon the first weekend of each month. Play like a kid atLEGOLAND Discovery Center at Easton! They host...
Last Wednesday of the month: Ohio Valley Night $5.75 Coleman’s Fish Sandwiches, $1.10 DiCarlo’s Pizza slice Last Thursday of the month: Y-town Night Tressel Tortellini, Spicy Bowle Pasta, DiRucco’s Sausage Harvest Brewery District, 940 S. Front St, Columbus (614) 947-7950(updated 12/...
What is the capital of Ohio? Many might be inclined to say Cleveland. After all, the city has a large population and is home to many well-known professionalsports teams. But remember, there are many elements to take under consideration when it comes to deciding which city will become theca...