Habitat for Humanity is about bringing people together to build homes, communities, and hope. Monetary donations or donating to the ReStore. Giving a little makes a big impact.
Photo byDenisa Cellar Habitat leads the way In 2014, Habitat for Humanity was recognized as the 1970's housing innovation of the decade inBuilder Magazine'sarticleHousing Answers the Call. Three years earlier, the same magazine listed Habitat for Humanity as the sixth largest home builder in the...
. Guests may have the chance to see Ktembe’s troop, as they go outside regularly for a portion of the day and they can be seen often inside the gorilla building. Jamani is still quite small and fits perfectly in mom Cassie’s arms. At times it may be hard to find her depending o...
A gravel habitat consisting of four gravel bars separated by pools was designed for possible placement in a river bendway at river mile 232.9 on the Tombigbee River below Columbus Lake near Columbus, Mississippi. The site is immediately downriver of a minimum-flow release structure in Columbus ...