[Paragraph 2]Columbia’s decision follows a rankings scandal last year. In February 2022 one of Columbia’s own maths professors, Michael Thaddeus, accused the college of fudging its data in several areas. 事件起因要从哥伦比亚大学去年的排名丑闻说起。2022年2月,哥伦比亚大学的数学教授迈克尔.萨德斯...
father of Jared Kushner, Donald Trump’s son-in-law, promised $2.5m to Harvard University in 1998 shortly before his son’s admission to the university. In recent years the “varsity blues” scandal landed a few famous parents in jail for bribing college staff with six-figure...
6月6日,哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)宣布将不再参与《美国新闻与世界报道》(US News & World Report)的本科排名。这是首次有顶尖院校退出该体系。这会是大批高校相继退出的前奏吗?[2] Columbia’s decision follows a rankings scandal last year. In February 2022 one of Columbia’s own maths profes...
On June 6th Columbia University announced that it will no longer cooperate with US News World Report’s undergraduate rankings. It is the first top institution to do so. Might its departure be the start of a mass departure? Columbia’s decision follows a ranking scandal (丑闻) last year. In...
Columbia’s decision follows a rankings scandal last year. In February 2022 one of Columbia’s own maths professors, Michael Thaddeus, accused the college of fudging its data in several areas. The university later admitted to having used “outdated and/or incorrectmethodologies”. ...
01 气候学院与商学院首次合作 — 气候金融硕士让你望穿秋水 由此“Master of Science in Climate ...
On June 6th Columbia University announced that it will no longer cooperate with US News World Report’s undergraduate rankings. It is the first top institution to do so. Might its departure be the start of a mass departure? Columbia’s decision follows a ranking scandal (丑闻) last year. In...
In that context, the texting scandal handed the Republicans further ammunition to press their argument that US higher education had lost its way. During the antisemitism panel discussion, a participant seated behind Susan Chang-Kim, the university’s vice-dean and chief administrative officer, phot...
Columbia’s decision follows a rankings scandal last year. In February 2022 one of Columbia’s own maths professors accused the college of fudging its data in several areas. The university later admitted to having used “outdated and/or incorrect methodologies”. ...