Columbia University Irving Medical Center is a clinical, research, and educational enterprise located on a campus in northern Manhattan. Headquarters Location 630 West 168th Street New York, New York, 10032, United States Suggest an edit You're one click away from the most comprehensive, unmatche...
EconPapers (全网免费下载) ResearchGate 查看更多 相似文献Effects of Professional Development on Infusing Engineering Design Into High School Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Curricula The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of profe...
Alternatively, the modifying group can be coupled to a side chain of an amino acid residue of the LPL S447X peptide, or to a peptidic or peptido-mimetic region flanking the core domain (e.g., through the epsilon amino group of a lysyl residue(s), through the carboxyl group of an ...