For more than 60 years, Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs has been educating professionals who work in public, private and nonprofit organizations to make a difference in the world. Through rigorous social science research and hands-on practice, SIPA’s graduates and...
SIPA很多的学生都是本身就有3-5年工作经验,这样其实对在校生的networking非常有帮助。拿到World Bank这份...
• SIPA International Fellows Program • Harriman Institute Fellowships • Columbia University Scholarship for Displaced Students IMPORTANT NOTE: In some cases, the scholarships may not be applicable to the course or are already expired at the time of viewing. Please double check with the course...
Nestled in the Morningside Heights neighborhood of Manhattan, Columbia University’s campus spans approximately 36 acres, offering a serene oasis amidst the bustling cityscape. Its urban setting provides a unique blend of cosmopolitan energy with the intimacy of a traditional college environment. Iconic ...
I am a PhD candidate in Sustainable Development at Columbia University. I completed my B.A. in economics with honors from Princeton University. My research examines the impact of disasters on firm and labor dynamics and the role of federal spending in recovery. I also use experimental tools to...
The School introduced an MPA in Environmental Science and Policy in 2001 and, in 2004, SIPA inaugurated its first doctoral program — the interdisciplinary Ph.D. in Sustainable Development.In 1947, to meet the needs of GIs returning from World War II, University Extension was reorganized as an...
Thank you for your interest in SIPA. We pride ourselves on our amazing community of scholars and practitioners from all over the world. SIPA students hail from every region, discipline, sector, and background, but are united by demonstrated academic excellence and professional focus. Below, you ...
学生可以从SIPA多样的分支方向中进行选择:国际安全政策,国际金融与经济政策,经济与政治发展,人权与人道主义政策,以及城市与社会政策。通过哥伦比亚大学的兼备学术严谨性与体验式学习的课程(包括领域内最多样化的capstone workshop),毕业生将具有高级的分析能力以及求职所需的专业知识和技能。
留学360唐逸凡老师介绍:哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University),简称哥大,是一所位于美国纽约的私立研究型大学,亦是常春藤盟校之一。该校成立于1754年,原为国王学院(Kings College),是美洲大陆最古老的学院之一。美国独立战争后更名为哥伦比亚学院,1896年成为哥伦比亚大学。哥伦比亚大学是美国大学协会十四所成员大学之一,也是美国第...
The School introduced an MPA in Environmental Science and Policy in 2001 and, in 2004, SIPA inaugurated its first doctoral program — the interdisciplinary Ph.D. in Sustainable Development.In 1947, to meet the needs of GIs returning from World War II, University Extension was reorganized as an...