但利好的是,2027 届 ED 录取率相比往年上升 1%,从 10.3% 上升至 11.3%,至少没有持续下跌的趋势。 Crimson数据 Crimson数据 因为哥大位于曼哈顿,拥有得天独厚的地理位置。对比其他藤校,Columbia University的整体录取率仅次于Harvard University,低于4%。 Class of 2027藤校学生录取率对比图 哥大本科有四个学院: 1)C...
Amy comes from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania where she was Associate Director. Amy devoted 12 years at the Wharton School, working closely with MBA students and supporting the admissions team.During her tenure at Wharton, Amy served as a trusted adviser to prospective applic...