On February 1, 2003, the space shuttleColumbiadisintegrated as it tried to reenter the Earth's atmosphere after a sixteen-day mission in space. All seven members of the crew were lost. The mission was focused on a broad range of science experiments. The remarkable crew—six Americans, one ...
哥伦比亚航天飞机失事事件 Columbia Space ShuttleAngelika K. One instance which illustrates that“no progress is possible without sacrifice" is the unfortunate fate of the Columbia space shuttle. Although the shuttle was equipped with the finest technology and the most experienced crew available, nobody ...
Space Shuttle Columbia: The Final Flight: Avec Bob Page. L'histoire de la dernière mission de Columbia est racontée dans les moindres détails, commençant quelques mois avant le lancement, se déroulant pendant les 16 jours en orbite.
Meanwhile, as Discovery orbited the Earth on Thursday, the shuttle's crew sent down images of the planet below and each crewmember took a few minutes to discuss space exploration, its costs and remembered those who didn't make it home. "We choose to do these things not because they are ...
Although the loss of the Space Shuttle Columbia and its crew was tragic, the circumstances offered a unique opportunity to examine a multitude of components which had experienced one of the harshest environments ever encountered by engineered materials: a break up at a velocity in excess of Mach ...
On Feb. 1, 2003, NASA's space shuttle Columbia broke up during re-entry, killing all astronauts onboard. Here we take a look at photos from Columbia's final mission, STS-107.
Space Shuttle Columbia Disaster Columbia Disaster Investigation The space shuttle Columbia broke apart on February 1, 2003, while re-entering the Earth’s atmosphere, killing all seven crew members. The disaster occurred over Texas, and only minutes before Columbia was scheduled to land at the ...
"That represents a seachange in American space policy for the first time in more than three decades,so that truly is the legacy of the Columbia crew to me," NASAAdministrator Mike Griffin said. The decision to build ashuttle, to "retreat back to low-Earth orbit" after flying to themoon,...
EST — a sensor in the space shuttle Columbia's left wing first recorded unusual stress as the orbiter and its seven crew members headed back to Earth to close out a successful 16-day science mission. Over the next 12 minutes, an on-board data recorder would track a cascade of alarming ...
The final turn towards the runway brings the speed of the Shuttle down to approach speed and its ultimate 200 knot (240 MPH) touch-down speed.Columbia would be the first orbiter in space. With a crew of two seated in ejection seats, Columbia proved that the strap-on launch system, ...