An alumna from the University of Cincinnati, Venable was one of the models who posed for a photo shoot at the Columbia Pictures studios in Hollywood, Calif., for the 1936 logo update. Venable was reportedly paid $25 for her work and never signed an image license with the studios. “My...
FILE PHOTO: A logo is pictured outside Sony Pictures Studios in Culver City, California December 19, 2014. REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni (Reuters) - Sony Pictures Entertainment has teamed up with Thailand's Amazon Falls to set up an amusement park based on productions from its...
The 1976 Columbia Pictures Television "Sunburst" logo. Some people remember seeing it in … Looney Tunes: Golden Collection, The (DVD) For years, animation buffs have waited impatiently for the Warner Bros. cartoons to appear on DVD. The Warner · Als...
He starts the OSMTracker app on his phone, ready to start work (the tracker app helps him to geolocate, and take pictures of interesting areas, with the pictures tagged to a GPS location). Mappers like Johannes detail key drainage and water infrastructure that hasn’t been digitized before,...
behind a very nice new entranceway. I never got around to trying it out as what I had heard from commenters here was not encouraging. It was never entirely off my list of places to try, but it was pretty far down, and I see from these pictures that had I gone, I would only have...
我这次选择的是黑色款:流畅的鞋体结构搭配鞋侧交汇的亮黄色线条,非常「应景」乍暖还寒的北方地区户外环境,黄黑点缀的鞋带丰富了视觉层次,外侧及鞋底的Columbia LOGO也彰显了品牌力。从颜值上看,是一双既符合专业户外穿着场景,也能在日常休闲时搭配的「多面」款。
T恤和长裙的正面看似只有简单的logo,但其实背后的细节非常丰富。 这两款单品的创作灵感,源自著名艺术家马奈在1863年创作的油画作品《草地上的午餐》,Yu Nagaba在此基础上描绘了在俄勒冈美丽自然风景中度假的一家四口。 五款配色的T恤以及三款配色的长裙,在Yu Nagaba简约的笔触下,呈现出宁静祥和的度假氛围。
做为最轻量、坚固的金属「钛合金」,自然也是户外器材的材质指标,因此美国Columbia公司便以钛(Titanium)为顶级系列的名称,并设计了一个专属Logo。 当然,Columbia钛系列可不是空有顶级之名,它的测试来自2014冬季奥运美国、加拿大、俄罗斯花式滑雪国家代表队选手的使用经验。换言之,该系列具有重量轻、韧度高、同时拥有良好...