哥伦比亚大学运筹学项目(Master of Science in Operations Research)是哥伦比亚大学傅氏工程学院(Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science)IEOR department下的五个硕士项目之一。哥大从1952年就已经开始提供运筹学课程,有较长的历史。OR和IE两个项目可以选择春季或秋季入学,时间上相比其他的项目更灵活。OR...
Serious commitment to the profession of social work and the capacity to meet the demands of professional training, often demonstrated by internships and life experiences For non-native English speakers: a combined TOEFL score of 100 or higher; IELTS Band of 7.0 or higher; Duolingo English Test s...
Columbia University, Master of Science in Operations Research 哥伦比亚大学 运筹学硕士录取 申请点评 W同学学术背景较好,有四段实习经历,对数据分析类的专业比较感兴趣,因此在专业选择上锁定金融工程、金融数学、商业分析等方向。申请老师先是梳理了W同学是否...
哥大的企业风险管理硕士(Master of Science in Enterprise Risk Management)是很多商科学生的必争之地,但由于开设在SPS学院,争议也不少。但是中国留学学位认证中心明确表示:第一,只要不是什么分校区都会给认证。第二,认证的时候只会认证三个项目:大学名称,学位名称和专业名称,学院是不会写在认证证书里面的。所以如果你...
来自上海纽约大学的世毕盟学员,收获2025年秋季入学的,美国哥伦比亚大学商学院开设的,MSAFA(Master of Science in Accounting and Fundamental Analysis) offer!!! 哥伦比亚大学商学院 MSAFA(会计和金融分析理学硕士)项目学术地位卓越,依托于哥大商学院的声誉和强大的师资力量。课程设置紧贴金融行业前沿,注重数理和实践能力培养...
[HCG] - 佐治亚大学 特里商学院 商业分析硕士 University of Georgia Herman and Mary Virginia Terry 韬涵小咨 285 0 [HCG] - 加州大学-戴维斯分校 政策科学学士 University of California, Davis Bachelor of Arts in Po 韬涵小咨 586 0 [韬涵小咨] - 哥伦比亚大学 商业分析理学硕士 Columbia University...
Master With 18 Master’s degrees and a variety of flexible courses and formats, our rigorous programs meet students where they are and take them where they want to go — on their terms and throughout their lives. Arts and Humanities (2) Master of Science in Construction Administration ...
Master MBA Located in the spectacular landscape of northern British Columbia, UNBC is one of Canada’s best small universities. We have a passion for teaching, discovery, people, the environment, and the North.UNBC provides outstanding undergraduate and graduate learning opportunities that explore cult...
Columbia University Master of Science in Data Science http://datascience.columbia.edu/master-of-science-in-data-science Deadline: Feb 15 项目点评:最早开设Data Science项目的学校之一,个人认为学习data science最好的地方,常春藤+专业强+地点好,建议申请数据科学硕士的小伙伴都申请一下。申请难度也是蛮大的,...
Columbia University Master of Science in Data Science http://datascience.columbia.edu/master-of-science-in-data-science Deadline: Feb 15 项目点评:最早开设Data Science项目的学校之一,个人认为学习data science最好的地方,常春藤+专业强+地点好,建议申请数据科学硕士的小伙伴都申请一下。申请难度也是蛮大的,...