</blockquote> == On Campus == Despite New York City being right outside [[Morningside Heights campus gates|the Gates]], Columbia has a vibrant campus life. Two staples of daily campus life are [[Columbia Spectator|The Spectator]] and [[The Bwog]]. Between the two, you'll have a ...
很多美本的学生会有类似的calendar,其实大部分over-achiever无论上什么学校都会想方设法把自己的日程安排地满满的,所以不足为奇,也不算是哥大的什么特色,除了有很多活动是跟“纽约市”相关的罢了(比如在纽约Asia Society的活动、去MET博物馆参观、参加JP Morgan纽约总部的networking event等)。 而对于哥大校园文化最...
Depending on how frontloaded a primary calendar is, late April tends to be around the point where enough delegates have been allocated that the presumptive nominee is, if not already clear, coming into sharper focus. So if three candidates are still cresting above the 15 percent threshold by ...