Columbia/HCA and the Medicare Fraud ScandalBerkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksCase Research JournalAnne T Lawrence
Free Essays from Studymode | Case Study: Columbia / HCA and the Medicare Fraud Scandal Central Facts of the Case X In 1997, Columbia/HCA Corporation was the...
Jarrell' wherein it found two executives of Columbia/HCA guilty on six counts of Medicare fraud and conspiracy. Background on the federal investigations of Columbia/HCA regarding Medicare fraud; Ruling's implications on industry compliance with Medicare cost-reporting regulations....
Columbia/HCA Medicare Fraud Case Heads to Trial in Florida.Hundley, Kris
Columbia/HCA Medicare Fraud Case Goes to Jurors.Hundley, Kris
Reports on the conviction of Columbia/HCA Health Care Corp. executives Jay Jarrell and Robert Whiteside for criminal Medicare fraud case. Reaction from the healthcare industry; Implication of the convictions on hospital executives; Arguments from the defendants.Taylor...
Reports that Robert Whiteside, former Columbia/HCA Healthcare Corp. executive, was sentenced to two years in prison and fined for criminal Medicare fraud. Allegations against Whiteside; Details on the case; Other people involved in the case.TaylorMarkEBSCO_AspModern Healthcare...
In the Wake of the Columbia/HCA Investigations: Plotting a Course for Medicare ComplianceWelton, Jamie RElder L.j
Features a case filed against four mid-level executives of Columbia/HCA Healthcare Corporation accused of fraud for overcharging on Medicare cost reports. Charges facing the defendants; How the executives were employed by ...
Justice Joins Suit against Hospital Chain: Whistleblower Accuses Columbia/HCA of Medicare FraudFive local hospitals were named yesterday when the Justice Department joined a $1 billion...Goldreich, Samuel