哥大本科教育的核心:立三观的Core Curriculum 作为哥大创始学院的哥伦比亚学院(Columbia College,简称“CC...
1.1 Core Core Curriculum 核心课程一直以来是我校最著名的特色之一,而其中每个Columbia College的学生都要求学习的Literature Humanities (Lit Hum) 和 Contemporary Civilization非常值得一提。Lit Hum 从荷马史诗讲到Virginia Woolf, 以一系列经典著作将西方思想史的发展以文学的形式展现给我们。不得不说这个课程的好坏...
JohnErskine taught the first Great Books Honors Seminar at Columbia College in1919, making the study of original masterworks the foundation of undergraduateeducation, and in the same year, a course on war and peace studies originatedthe Colle...
The School of General Studies (GS): offers Bachelor of Arts degrees to students who have chosen non-traditional paths in their educationLogos of Columbia College (left) and Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science (right), Columbia's core undergraduate schoolsRotunda...
(TableS5). The probability of detection of P = 0.1 (10th percentile; greatest values, TablesS6andS7) was used for the detection range visualization and analysis. Detection ranges could not be estimated for SG due to mooring-related noise, therefore the greatest values by species at GS ...
The School of General Studies (GS): offers Bachelor of Arts degrees to students who have chosen non-traditional paths in their educationLogos of Columbia College (left) and Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science (right), Columbia's core undergraduate schoolsRotunda...