5门必修课: ·Traditional Risk and ERM Practices ·Strategic Communication for ERM Professionals(有点像犯罪心理学,砍价/面试技巧/观察微表情,都会有所涉及)。 ·Value-Based Enterprise Risk Manag...
The M.S. in Historic Preservation Program curriculum educates students to create new, future-orient...
TheMaster of Science in Enterprise Risk Management(ERM) program atColumbia Universityprepares graduates to inform better risk-reward decisions by providing a complete, robust, and integrated picture of both upside and downside volatility across an entire enterprise. The program focuses on all aspects of...
In comparison to their peers in the regular English program immersion students performed at a similar level in mathematics, and they attained equivalence in English language skills soon after English language arts were introduced into the curriculum. Immersion students had higher levels of achievement ...