Find the alumni in the directory based on location, industry focus, and more! Create a post on the feed Create your first post on the live feed to introduce yourself. Questions? We can help! For any questions, contactpmc@gsb.columbia.eduor consult the frequently asked questionspage. ...
Columbia Business School Alumni Club of New YorkJared Kaplan
二年级为一年级不同背景不同方向的同学提供职业咨询和辅导;每年 9 月份 的 Columbia professional school social, 包括商学院、国际关系学院、法学院、新闻学院、公共卫生学院等的大中华地区同学都会参加;每学期的 Greater China professor luncheon, 由哥大商学院的华人教授和华人同学一起共进午餐;每年...
Prominent graduates from University of British Columbia include celebrities, politicians, business people, athletes and more. This list of distinguished University of British Columbia alumni is loosely ordered by relevance, so the most recognizable celebrities who attended University of British Columbia are...
Students have access to lifelong career benefits and a global network of 51,000+ business school alumni. Earn your MBA online in as few as 18 months or up to three years. MBA Fellowships Available. Learn More Because these programs attract a diverse cohort of students, it’s important to...
The Columbia Business School at Columbia University offers these departments and concentrations: accounting, business analytics, consulting, economics, entrepreneurship, finance, general management, health care administration, international business, leadership, marketing, not-for-profit management, production/oper...
读过 在读 想读 我来写短评 热门 还没人写过短评呢 << 首页 < 前页 后页> > Columbia Business School Alumni 作者: Source Wikipedia; Books, LLC; 页数: 104 isbn: 1155663233 书名: Columbia Business School Alumni© 2005-2025, all rights reserved 北京豆网科技有限公司 关于豆瓣...
课外体验,可能是学校的Clubs,也可能是学校某些多年约定俗成的传统。它虽不是商学院核心课程的一部分,却能让你因它而更加了解一所学校,更加迷恋一所学校,使之成为回答 Why School 的重要部分。- 目录 -一. 课外体验介绍A. Typical ClubsB. Traditions二....
Emma comes from the MBA Admissions Office at Columbia Business School (CBS), where she was Associate Director.Emma conducted dozens of interviews each cycle for the MBA and EMBA programs, as well as coordinating the alumni ambassador interview program. She read and evaluated hundreds of applications...
哥伦比亚大学商学院,即Columbia University:Columbia Business School,位于美国东海岸纽约市曼哈顿区,1916年由哥伦比亚大学校友、当时的纽约银行家 Emerson McMillin 捐资成立。学院最初提供本科教育,首届录取了 61 名学生,包含 8 名女生,CBS 因此成为第一个在开幕班级即录取女生的顶尖商学院。