Urban Design studio三个学期是按local-regional-global尺度循序递进的,summer主要做的是纽约市五大区的研究和设计,fall主要做纽约州Hudson Valley的区域性研究以及系统设计,spring的话是International studio。总体来说的话,哥大的城市设计是很注重研究分析以及argument的建立的,而且比较偏重resilience design,跟景观的结合联...
雖然修業年限僅僅一年,但課程方面仍然將三學期的課程濃縮至一年的時間,所以每年六月即開始summer term,在時間上及課程密度上是最高的program。 哥大擁有紐約市區的地理優勢,在都市相關的研究及發展上佔地利之便,師資方面也因地緣關係而能時常引進年輕的紐約新銳建築師,帶領學生探討新一波的建築思維。系主任Mark Wigley自...
In celebration of Preservation Month, join Historic Columbia on the second Sunday of May for a stroll down Main Street. Participants will learn about the architecture and history of buildings along the 1300-1700 blocks of Main Street. The tour begins and ends at Boyd Plaza and will last approx...
Summer Studio I 是基础性的,它解决了城市设计的实验性、表现性和建设性方面的问题。该工作室将纽约市...
Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation 哥倫比亞大學建築研究所成立於1881年,位於紐約市曼哈頓島上。系館是由建築系及Avery Library 共用的Avery Hall。哥大所提供的program很廣泛,包括正統的M.Arch(註一),後學士進修的MS.AAD及MS.AUD、MS. Historic Preservation、MS. Urban Planning、MS. Real...
The Myers Lab loved having SURE Fellow, Jayla McCoy in the lab this summer! Jayla is a Mechanical Engineering student with a minor in computer science at the University of Kentucky. Her research project, titled “Using Computational Mechanics to Improve Preterm Birth Risk Assessment”, used a va...
Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation A4003: Core Studio 3 Fall 2010: The Housing Studio: Transit Oriented Development Michael Bell, Director Core Studios; Faculty: Douglas Gauthier, Laura Kurgan, Frederic Levrat, Robert Marino, Karla Rothstein, Ada Tolla & ...
and business. The Yale School of Architecture is famed for its innovative design programs, and the School of Drama has been a launchpad for many acclaimed artists. Furthermore, the Forestry & Environmental Studies program at Yale is one of the best globally, addressing critical environmental and...
She has also received the Wolf Prize in Architecture. Most recently, she led two cultural works significant to New York: The Shed and the expansion of MoMA. Diller also co- created, -directed and -produced The Mile-Long Opera, an immersive choral w...
社交体验 国际学生群体:哥大吸引了来自世界各地的学生,提供了丰富的文化交流机会。校园活动:学生可以参加...