日常 昨天 首位公开出柜的《单身汉》Colton Underwood承认,他之所以公开出柜是因为被勒索了。 大家还记得这个故事么 上个月,美版《单身汉》首位初哥主角,前橄榄球球星Colton Underwood宣布正式出柜。但是,他最近接受采访的时候公开,他之所以选择出柜,是因为有人拿他的xx照威胁他,他决定自己出柜 Colton说,他去了gay 吧,...
ABC then named Underwood the star of The Bachelor season 23, during which he fell in love with Randolph. The California native broke up with Underwood near the end of the season but reconciled with him in the two-part finale in March....
Colton Underwood; he’s just like Us! Well, sort of. Though some viewers of season 23 ofThe Bachelorhave had a tougher time relating to the show’s latest suitor, Colton, 27, seemingly endeared himself to many TV viewers across the country during the Monday, February 4,episodeof the rea...
性别: 男 出生日期: 1992年1月26日 出生地: 美国,印地安纳州,印第安纳波利斯 更多中文名: 科尔顿·斯科特·安德伍德(全名) 更多外文名: Colton Scott Underwood(全名) IMDb编号: nm9846206 职业: 演员 关注 89人关注 推荐 人物简介 ··· Colton Scott Underwood (born January 26, 1992) is ...
Colton Underwood and Husband Jordan C. Brown: A Timeline of Their Relationship Colton Underwoodwas once scared to be his true self, but he found love with now-husbandJordan C. Brownafter embracing his identity. Bachelor Nation first met the former NFL player when he competed onBecca Kufrin’...
While discussing the release of his new book, former star ofThe BachelorColton Underwood revealedthat he at one time questioned his sexuality after facing intense bullying about his decision to stay a virgin. While Underwood owned his choice to stay abstinent as the "virgin Bachelor," his confi...
Former Bachelor Sean Lowe was known as the 'virgin' Bachelor of the franchise, but Colton Underwood is now taking the reins. On Tuesday morning,ABC announced that Colton Underwood is theBachelorfranchise's newest leading man. The 26-year-old rose to fame earlier this year on Becca ...
While he was the lead onThe Bachelor,Underwood upended the show's traditional narrative, ending his relationships with two of his finalists to pursue Cassie Randolph, who had already sent herself home. Randolph and Underwood ended the season as a couple, but not engaged, and they were together...
https://eztv.io/search/bachelor Bachelor S23 - Colton Underwood 综艺 娱乐 综艺 国外综艺 真人秀 The Bachelorette The Bachelor BachelorInParadise 评论OliveD 发消息 Bachelor系列,YouTube视频等... 教你成为游戏建模师,在家也能接单养活自己!! 零基础学游戏建模 ...
AceShowbiz-Colton Underwood's season of "The Bachelor" hasn't even started but the ladies for the season have been put against each other in an early competition for his heart. Three of the contestants of the upcoming season appeared in Thursday, September 20 episode of "The Ellen DeGeneres...