单动式陆军型的另一个特点是它与它的专属子弹--.45柯尔特的完美搭配。该枪装填了40格令黑火药(与以前用于强大的Colt Dragoon的火药相同),并以250米/秒的速度将255格令子弹推出枪口,这是一种可怕的子弹,尤其是考虑到1860年的军队(其中许多仍在使用)只在133格令球形弹头的后面发射28格令火药。不用说,事实证明,单...
The Colt Single Action Army (SAA) was introduced in 1873. It became the most popular handgun on the American Frontier and the definitive firearm of the Old West. The Colt SAA adopted by the U.S. Army in 1873 was in caliber .45 Long Colt. U.S. Army revolvers had 7 1/2 inch barre...
When the door of Colt's room for new inventions opened and the steam abated with a hiss, beams of light shined, angelic harps played and on the altar of American genius laid the Colt 1873 Single Action Army and it's cartridge, the .45 Colt. The cartridge would pave the way for big ...
The Colt Single-Action Army Revolver was originally designed with the US military in mind. They were all 7-1/2: barrel and chambered in the .45 Colt caliber. Approximately 24,000 of the first revolvers produced went to the military; civilian production began in earnest thereafter. ...
COLT 1873 Single Action Army284,5XX, 51/2" nickel, .45, D engraved, pearl, (Constable C. F. Schmidt), ship- ment of one to H. S. Bettes Hardware, Paris, TX, 11-24-06, page 437, Vol. 1 of The Colt Engraving Book.to Charles Hummel...
Colt's firearms, handguns, pistols, revolvers. Specializing in single action army peacemaker. Repairs and customizing parts and accessories.
At a bar in San Antonio, a young Texan volunteered for the Rough Riders. Soon after, he and this Colt Single Action Army .45 charged San Jaun Hill.
Is China’s New Stealth Fighter a Copy of the F-35? He Sold America's Stealth Secrets to China This Unusual Battery Will Be the World’s Largest A Hidden Clue Might Solve an American Mystery What a Future Space War Will Look Like
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