This safety was patented by John Browning in 1910 and the new patent date was added to the Colt’s inscription sometime after serial number 20,000: COLT’S PT. F.A. MFG. CO. HARTFORD. CT. U.S.A, PAT’D AUG. 25. 1896 APR. 20. 1897 DEC. 22. 1903 JAN. 25.1910. ...
Type V: Serial numbers from 554,100 to 568,834 (134,100 to 137,484 for the .380). These were war production guns, which would be indistinguishable from the Type IV guns, except the vast majority had a Parkerized finish (from about serial number 562,000) and were stamped “U.S. Prop...
Application Number: US43785242A Publication Date: 07/18/1944 Filing Date: 04/06/1942 Export Citation: Click for automatic bibliography generation Assignee: COLT S MFG CO Primary Class: 89/167 Other Classes: 89/24 International Classes: