Colt Automatic Pistols is dedicated to collectors and enthusiasts of military and commercial Colt pistols, Colt revolvers, Colt firearms and accessories.
Colt revolver Colt Samuel coltan colter coltish Coltrane Coltrane John William Colt's tooth coltsfoot coltwood Coluber Coluber constrictor Coluber constrictor flaviventris Coluber hippocrepis colubriad colubrid colubrid snake Colubridae colubriform
By 1974 Colt’s production of SAAs of all configurations, calibers and options was very low. Furthermore, the machinery was worn. They shut down Peacemaker production for retooling and remodeling. Sources vary but serial numbers had reached somewhere in the 73000SA to 74000SA range. Although th...
This is a very nice Model 1851 Colt Navy revolver. It is a .36 caliber revolver with six-shot cylinder, a 7 ½” octagonal barrel with attached loading lever, and brass frame with round trigger guard. Serial numbers for this “Third” model began at 4200 and ended around number 85000...
However, to make some sense of their serial system, the prefix in the serial number does indicate a broader class of that weapon. So for example one of the largest classes of their rifles is the Sporter line of ARs, but the LE model is a subclass within the overall Sporter line and in...
Q: I bought a Colt Frontier Scout .22 at a pawnshop many years ago (serial number 216XXXF) with no box but both .22 LR and .22 WMR cylinders. Except for where I used the wrong screwdriver on the cylinder pin screw (yes, that was dumb, but it was many years ago) it has all ...