is the premier seller of factory original Colt replacement parts for your Colt rifles, pistols, revolvers and other firearms.
1.(Firearms)A revolver made according to a system using a patented revolving cylinder, holding six cartridges, patented by Samuel Colt, an American inventor, in 1835. With various modifications, it was for many years been the standard for the United States army. ...
Savage Rifle Sig Sauer Springfield Smith & Wesson S&W J Frame S&W K L N X Frame S&W Auto Pistol Suhl Bolt Shim T Taurus Revolver Tikka T1x RifleSako Thompson CenterT/C R22 Uberti W Walther Winchester&Miroku / Win WolffGun Springs Miscellaneous Lance'sStuff for Sale MichiganGun Laws Misc ...
Download:for sale Website:Cults add to list order this print Tags3D file Colt Baby Dragoon Revolver Cap Gun BB 6mm... Download:for sale Website:Cults add to list order this print TagsAmmo box 45 Colt ammunition storage 50 rounds amm... ...
Colt was founded in Hartford in 1836 by Samuel Colt, who invented the revolver. The firearms division is a leading manufacturer of handguns and rifles for military and commercial uses. Advertisement Products include the Colt .45 pistol, the King Cobra Magnum revolver, AR-15 sport rifle and the...
Colt Model 1878 (top) and Colt Model 1877 (bottom) shown for comparison. The M1878 is in .44-40 and the M1877 is in .38 Colt. Note the differences in the design of the loading gates of the two revolvers. The M1877 being the same as the Single Action Army M1873 but the M1878 ...
Lot 446 is the most valuable rifle of the sale and is a must by for collectors of Winchesters. This is a rare special order factory engraved model deluxe 1876. Opening for bidding at $10000, the full description in the catalog is as follows: ...
GUN SPRINGS ,Bob's Gun Shop,MILLIONS of Gun Springs,We have the GUN SPRINGS that you want, Shotgun Hammer Sprigns, Winchester Rifle Springs, Beretta Over and Under Hammer Springs, Colt Hammer Springs, Single Action Revolver Springs, Antique Pistol Spring
For your consideration we have a brand new US Property Marked Colt LE 6920 SOCOM M4A1. The rifle features a M4A1 SOCOM profile barrel and Knights Armament Rail. There is a pinned and welded muzzle device to bring the barrel length to 16 inches. This makes it a regul...
To find an original is a chance to not only own a great firearm, but a piece of history. Personally, I must admit: I enjoy owning a weapon that is stamped with a government-mandated message saying I can’t be trusted with it. Beyond being an amazing rifle, it gives you a tremendous...