For your consideration we have a brand new US Property Marked Colt LE 6920 SOCOM M4A1. The rifle features a M4A1 SOCOM profile barrel and Knights Armament Rail. There is a pinned and welded muzzle device to bring the barrel length to 16 inches. This makes it a regul...
LE6920, M4 Carbine 14.5" barrel, pinned Most of the homework has been done for your Block 1 Clone Build This is a Colt LE6920 rifle, with FDE Cerakote and SOCOM and SOPMOD features and parts that makes this badass good. Colt factory M4 carbine, with upper and lower Cerakote FDE 14.5"...
Stag Arms-15L M4 (Left Handed) SuperKit $1,510.00$1,590.00 Colt 6920 LE OEM2 Free Float Rail with Daniel Defense AR-15 .223/5.56mm $1,731.00 Universal Rifle SpeedLoader $29.99 Armalite AR-15 DEF15F SuperKit Tactical Package $1,475.00 ...
To say Colt’s LE6920 M4 Carbine is the Gold Standard of AR-15s, would almost be an understatement. In fact about the only quasi-negative comment I have ever received on the 6920 was “Gee, that’s a nice gun, but I bought a clone for less.” If only they knew, what you now k...
Colt生产的原始设定的AR15,在北美民用市场被称为LE6920 作为一个Colt用户,尽管我难以理解为什么DD的步枪价格是Colt的两倍,但是经过一段时间的射击对比,我也可以看出DD非常明显的理念和技术优势。 最简单的优势,就是DD完全摒弃了Colt/FN AR步枪的固定枪管(Fixed Barrel)设计,出厂的步枪都是自由浮动式枪管(Free Float...