adapter for installation of football collassabile colt m4 carbine beretta model to the mod. ar 70 \\/ 90, sc 70 \\/ 90 and dbs 70 \\/ 90 However, in present usage, CAR-15 is used as a generic name for carbine-length M16 and AR-15 variants.Specifically, "Colt Commando" currently ...
Colt M4: Commando CarbineThe M16 rifle first saw service in Vietnam as the AR-15 when the U.S. Army sent test rifles in the early 1960s. Because of enthusiastic reports of the rifles' effectiveness in combat, the government purchased 85,000 rifles to be issued to Special Forces in the...
此枪由TROY特洛伊公司完美还原越战时期CAR-15复古枪型,基于COLT 629 Commando型号规格制造的XM177系列,空军版称为GAU-5/A/A,陆军版称为XM177-E2,这把枪算是最早初期M4卡宾原型了,也被当年MACV-SOG特种部队所采用。#军迷发烧友#越南战争 1446 99 180