A day-by-day (where applicable) look at the black powder and Colt-related events that shaped our country's great history 78 Posts 4 Topics Last post by Captainkirk in You know what today is, ... on July 03, 2024, 10:51:06 PM Guns of Infamy Some of the more famous personas ...
Cross-section diagram of the M1911 pistol from FM21-100, "The Soldier's Handbook", 1941. The Spanish-American War had lasted just ten weeks in 1898. It was a rapid victory for the U.S., giving it control of Spanish colonies in the Caribbean and the western Pacific Ocean. That led ...
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Antique Oak Gun Case Recently Fitted Out in Dark Red/Wine Cotton Velvet Lining for a Pair of Colt Percussion Revolvers. I fitted this Out to Take the Colt Model 1860 Army Revolvers but it Will Also T...from