'shades':指颜色的深浅或明暗程度,如“different shades of blue”(不同程度的蓝色)。 'tints':指颜色的轻微变化或淡化的颜色,如“a tint of pink”(一丝粉色)。这些词汇在描述颜色时具有与'colours'相似的含义,但侧重点略有不同。
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“shades”:指颜色的深浅程度或细微差别。 例句:This paint comes in several different shades of blue. “tints”:指轻微的色彩或色调,常用于描述淡色或柔和的色彩。 例句:The flowers had delicate tints of pink and white.
Do you know that these words all refer to the colour blue? It's how ancient Chinese people talked about different shades of blue-light or deep. Sounds beautiful, right?Ancient Chinese people had their own ways to classify (分类) and name colours. This shows their special understanding of ...
Ochre tiles create a warm atmosphere in any space. The various shades, from yellow to red, bring an original touch of colour in your home. + Blue ceramic tiles The softness of blue tiles is beyond compare. Highly appreciated for its adaptability, this colour creates, according to the chosen...
shadeof blue.•In the fall, thewoodsare full ofcountlessshadesofbrown,yellowandorange.•On themantelpiecethere was a smalllampwith acrimsonshadeand Iswitchedit on.•aplantthat likesshade•It grows well inpartialshadeandreachesaheightof about four feet.•The room wasdecoratedinpastelshades....
What does “that” refer to in the sentence “Beyond that the colours darkened into fine shades of deep blue...”? A. The solar light. B. The solar rays. C. Some objects under the sea. D. A distance of a hundred and fifty yards. ...
These shades work together seamlessly in any combination, and have the almost magical quality of gently shifting between blue and grey, depending on the light and time of day. Grey Blues Our third family of blues also works as an alternative to grey but feels a lot more modern. Selvedge is...
Wedding Colours - Wedding Colors Choosing wedding colors is one of the most important decisions that a bride can make when planning for her big day. The colors chosen will set the foundation upon which all other elements of the wedding will build.
'shades':指颜色的深浅变化,常用于描述颜色之间的差异。 例句:This room is painted in different shades of blue. 'tones':指颜色的整体氛围或感觉,常用于描述色彩的情感效果。 例句:The warm tones of the lighting made the room feel cozy.