Python Colour 库提供了从 RGB 到 HEX 和从 HEX 到 RGB 的转换方法。 fromcolourimportColor# RGB to HEXrgb_color=Color(rgb=(0,128,255))hex_color=rgb_color.hexprint("RGB to HEX:",hex_color)# HEX to RGBhex_color="#0080FF"rgb_color=Color(hex=hex_color)rgb_tuple=rgb_color.rgbprint("H...
HSL to RGB / RGB to HSL / Hex Colour Converter Enter your HSL, RGB or hex colour below (or one of each if you wish) and click "Convert." Scroll down for results.HSL: Hue ° Saturation % Lightness % RGB: Red Green Blue Hex: # Related...
A fast, minimal, british colour picker. - Use the sliders to pick a colour. - HEX & RGB colour values update in real time. - Long-press to copy colour referenc…
1importjava.awt.Color;2importjxl.format.Colour;34publicclassColorUtil {6publicstaticColour getNearestColour(Color awtColor) {7Colour color =null;89Colour[] colors =Colour.getAllColours();10if((colors !=null) && (colors.length > 0)) {11Colour crtColor =null;12int[] rgb =null;13intdiff ...
hslaToHex(hsla): Converts an HSLA color code to a hexadecimal color code. hexToRgba(hexColor): Converts a hexadecimal color code to an RGBA color code. hslaToRgba(hsla): Converts an HSLA color code to an RGBA color code. rgbaToRgb(colour): Converts an RGBA color code to an RGB co...
PowderbluePurpleRedRosybrownRoyalblueSaddlebrownSalmonSandybrownSeagreenSeashellSiennaSkyblueSlateblueSlategraySnowSpringgreenSteelblueTanTealThistleTomatoTurquoiseVioletWheatYellowYellowGreenor Enter Hex Colour Code # RGB: 255 105 180HSL: 330° 100% 71%
Colour 库可以进行各种颜色空间之间的转换,如 RGB 到 Lab、XYZ 到 LCH 等。 # Convert RGB to Lab lab_color = color.convert_to('lab') 色彩分析 Colour 库可以进行色彩分析,如计算色彩的亮度、饱和度、色调等。 # Calculate brightness brightness = color.get_luminance() 高级功能 色彩生成 Colour 库...
This project converts Time to Hex/RGB, and is quite beautiful to look at. - bennyguitar/ColourClock
Damn simple and pythonic way to manipulate color representation (see examples below) Full conversion between RGB, HSL, 6-digit hex, 3-digit hex, human color One object (Color) or bunch of single purpose function (rgb2hex,hsl2rgb...) ...
Patrick Lomasney Explorer , Nov 16, 2021 Copy link to clipboard Basically I want the opacity of a layer to be 100 if a colour from a color control is a certain hex code, and for the rest of the time the opacity to be 0. This is my expression so far: if ((...