Both dilute hydrochloric acid and dilute sulphuric acid are colourless solutions. How will the addition of barium chloride solution to each help to distinguish between the two? View Solution Doubtnut is No.1 Study App and Learning App with Instant Video Solutions for NCERT Class 6, Class 7, Cl...
The present contribution will deal with the use of organic colourants in wall paintings, encompassing also other painted artworks on inorganic supports such as polychrome pottery and stone artworks. The use of organic colourants in wall paintings has been given little attention, perhaps by the art...
In examples: (a) the sulphonation product of copper phthalocyanine is converted to the sodium salt and an aqueous solution treated with barium chloride, calcium chloride, zinc chloride, magnesium or manganese salts, aluminium hydroxide, barium chloride in presence of resin soap, a substratum of ...
(Ph.Eur.method2.2.2) Theexaminationofthedegreeofcolorationofliquidsintherangebrown-yellow-redis carriedoutbyoneofthe2methodsbelow,asprescribedinthemonograph. 颜色为褐色-黄色-红色的溶液的着色程度有如下两种检查方法 AsolutioniscolourlessifithastheappearanceofwaterRorthesolventorisnotmore intenselycolouredthanrefe...