7. something that is used for coloring; pigment; dye. 8. background information, as anecdotes or analyses of strategy, given by a sportscaster during a broadcast. 9. colors, a. a colored badge, ribbon, or uniform worn or displayed to signify allegiance, membership, etc. b. viewpoi...
2.(Dyeing) a dye or pigment of any of these colours 3.(Textiles) blue cloth or clothing:dressed in blue. 4.(Education) a.a sportsperson who represents or has represented Oxford or Cambridge University and has the right to wear the university colour (dark blue for Oxford, light blue for...
颊红润. 4 [U] colour of the skin as a racial characteristic 肤色(作为种族特徵) be discriminated against on account of one´s colour/on grounds of colour 因为肤色[由於肤色]的关系受到歧视 [attrib 作定语] colour prejudice 不同肤色的种族偏见. 5 colours [pl] coloured badge, ribbon, clothes...
Always make sure to purchase one suitable for your type of fabric. ✦ Re-wash stained clothes as soon as possible! ✦ Alongside your regular detergent (we recommend Breeze), try using an oxygen-based bleach in the wash. ✦ If dye stains are particularly stubborn, soak clothing before ...
Either dye or paints are used to colour cloth.不论是染料还是颜料都是用来染布的。 用作宾补动词: S+~+ n./pron. + n./adj. He coloured the walls green.他把墙壁刷成绿色。 其他: v -ed as Attrib. The coloured flags are fluttering in the breeze.彩旗在微风中飘扬。 colour更多例句 词组短...
A dyeing method for renewing the used colour clothes includes such steps as loading dye, sodium carbonate and edible salt in dyeing pot, heating the dyeing pot with steam to raise its temp from 50-60deg.C to 90-100 deg.C within 10 min, dyeing the used or decoloured clothes for 40 ...
Also, make it a habit to wash dark and light-coloured clothes separately. This cuts down the chances of dye transfer. And, if you have any garment that has a history of dye transfer, make sure to wash that separately in a bucket. Once you are done washing your clothes, dry them as ...
Washing new clothes, or those more prone to colour run (like red items), on their own.This will remove excess dye which would run in a normal wash. ✦ Tackling colour run stains immediately.A key tip for how to fix colour run? Start ASAP: the longer you leave it, the harder it ...
12. N-PLURAL A sports team's colours are the colours of the clothes they wear when they play. 队服颜色 I was wearing the team's colours. 我穿着该队队服的颜色。 13. →see also coloured , colouring 14. PHRASE If a film or television programme is in colour, it has been made so th...
Define colourfastness. colourfastness synonyms, colourfastness pronunciation, colourfastness translation, English dictionary definition of colourfastness. or adj having a colour that does not run or change when washed or worn ˈcolourˌfastness ,