We read with interest the recent letters highlighting the problems associated with ambiguous or inaccurate colour coding of gas cylinders [1, 2]. When correctly applied, colour coding plays an important role in avoiding mistakes due to human error [3], as critical information about the device is...
Anewstandard(BSEN1089-3)governingthecolourcodingofgascylindersiscoming intoforceacrossEurope.Asaresult,someofthecylindersyoureceivefromBOC SpecialProductswillhaveanewcolourscheme. BOCwillproducearangeofliteraturetoreplacethemanywallchartsandcylinderidentificationcharts ...
In some respects, our results are consistent with the effects of object colour reported by Mogensen and English13, but the relationship between the two studies deserves careful consideration. In their study, participants were asked to touch two equally heated cylinders each of which were wrapped in...
GAS cylinders1 Sheraton TE, Gildersleve CD, Hall JE. The use of nitrous oxide in paediatric anaesthetic practice in the United Kingdom: a questionnaire survey. Anaesthesia 2007; 62: 62–6. 2 Shaw ADS, Morgan M. Nitrous oxide: time to stop laughing? Anaesthesia 1998; 53: 213–15. 3 ...
Transportable Gas Cylinders - Gas Cylinder Identification (Excluding Lpg) - Part 3: Colour CodingBelgian Standards
Transportable gas cylinders. Gas cylinder identification (excluding LPG). Colour codingBritish Standards Institution
We read with interest the recent letters highlighting the problems associated with ambiguous or inaccurate colour coding of gas cylinders [1, 2]. When correctly applied, colour coding plays an important role in avoiding mistakes due to human error [3], as critical information about the device is...
Transportable gas cylinders - Gas cylinder identification (excluding LPG) - Part 3: Colour coding本欧洲标准规定了用于工业气体,呼吸气体应用和医疗用气体的气瓶的内容物的二次方法的颜色编码系统,特别是关于气体或气体混合物的性质.\n本欧洲标准不适用于含有液化石油气(LPG),制冷剂气体,便携式灭火器或固定式...
Transportable gas cylinders. Gas cylinder identification (excluding LPG)-Colour codingdoi:BS EN 1089-3:1997交叉引用:BS EN 720-2*ISO 32*ISO 10298*ISO 13338
Transportable gas cylinders - Gas cylinder identification (excluding LPG) - Part 3: Colour codingdoi:UNE-EN 1089-3:2004交叉引用:ISO 32:1977