Safer practice notice - Colour coding hospital cleaning materias and equipmentNational Patient Safety AgencyNational Patient Safety Agency - National Reporting and Learning Service (2007) Safer Practice Notice 15: Colour coding hospital Cleaning Materials and Equipment. [Online] Available from:...
Define Colour coding. Colour coding synonyms, Colour coding pronunciation, Colour coding translation, English dictionary definition of Colour coding. Noun 1. color code - system using colors to designate classifications code - a coding system used for tr
doi:CAN/CGSB 38.104-93本尺寸标准适用于男士睡衣.它是为医院和机构的患者购买睡衣而开发的.在规定尺寸时,已确认最大残余收缩率为2%,但表2中弹性腰部尺寸除外,其中已确认收缩率超过2%.