Thanks for any suggestions. This is the example codes to recreate my figure. df<-list(x=1:5,y=1:5,xp=1:3,yp=1:3)df<-expand.grid(df)df$z<-df$xp*10+runif(nrow(df))library(RColorBrewer)cols<-rev(brewer.pal(11,'RdYlBu'))library(ggplot2)p<-ggplot(df)p<-p+geom_tile(aes(x...
farver provides an alternative to thegrDevices::rgb()andgrDevices::col2rgb()for encoding and decoding colours strings. The farver functions are superficially equivalent but provides a uniform output format, and the option to encode and decode directly from/to other colour spaces. library(farver)cod...
If you have a better palette design send me the hex codes for the colours! If you're wondering why some albums are missing, here's the explanation: X Factor (would basically be 8 shades of gray), Fear of the Dark (shit album), The Book of Souls (would basically be 8 shades of ...
BugReports Depends R(>=3.1.0)Imports ggplot2,htmltools,htmlwidgets(>=0.7),jsonlite,miniUI(>= 0.1.1),shiny(>=0.11.1),shinyjs(>=2.0.0),utils Suggests knitr(>=1.7),rmarkdown,rstudioapi(>=0.5),shinydisconnect License MIT+file ...
library(ggplot2)test<-matrix(runif(300000,min=0,max=255),ncol=3)timing<-bench::mark(farver=convert_colour(test,'rgb','lab'),grDevices=convertColor(test,'sRGB','Lab',,check=FALSE,min_iterations=100)#> Warning: Some expressions had a GC in every iteration; so filtering is...
were generated in R (v.4.0.3) with ‘maps’ and ‘ggplot2’ packages. For 67 of 75 wolves (or ancient dogs), the phase of ventral and hair cycle promoter haplotypes was unambiguous. Seven wolves and one ancient dog were heterozygous with respect to both the ventral and hair cycle ...