Colostomy care Stoma care Colostomy care Ileostomy care Urostomy care Life style and Colostomy care Nursing measures of colostomy 1
The present invention provides a colostomy bag. The colostomy bag comprises: a bag having a left gusset face that is folded between a front face and a back face, and a right gusset face that is folded between the front face and the back face, the bag being open at the upper side ...
behavior(r=0.410,P0.01).Conclusion When designing and implementing the nursing plan for patients with colostomy,it is necessary to pay attention to patients' stress adjustment,interpersonal relationship,physical activity and mental health,so as to enhance their self-care agency and promote healthy ...
sion:Continuityofcarecaneffectivelyimprovetheselfnursingabilityof permanentcolostomypatientsandimprovetheirqualityoflife. Keywordspermanentcolostomy;continuityofcare;selfnursingability; qualityoflife 中图分类号:R473.73 文献标识码:A doi:10.3969/j.issn.10096493.2014.14.008 文章编号:10096493(2014)05B168504 腹会阴...
Colostomy care Stoma care Colostomy care Ileostomy care Urostomy care Life style and Colostomy care Nursing measures of colostomy 1
The present invention provides a colostomy bag. The colostomy bag comprises: a bag having a left gusset face that is folded between a front face and a back face, and a right gusset face that is folded between the front face and the back face, the bag being open at the upper side ...
The present invention provides a colostomy bag. The colostomy bag comprises: a bag having a left gusset face that is folded between a front face and a back face, and a right gusset face that is folded between the front face and the back face, the bag being open at the upper side ...
Nursing care of patients undergoing temporary loop colostomydoi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-6493.2014.08.055COLOSTOMYNURSINGZhou BingmeiWang Yin'eChinese Nursing Research
Although patients with different types of ostomy have different types of needs, terms such as ostomy care, colostomy care, and ileostomy nursing are interchangeably used. Moreover, there are limited concept analysis studies into the concept of colostomy nursing care (CNC) in ostomy care centers ...
NURSINGQUALITY of lifeLiu ShengnanTang HaiyanZhu JunChinese Nursing ResearchLiu Shengnan,Tang Haiyan,Zhu Jun,Second Artillery General Hospital of PLA,,.Influence of implementation of Guided Care nursing model on life quality of patients underwent colostomy.[J];护理...