A colostomy reversal, also referred to as a laparoscopic colostomy reversal, is a surgical procedure in which the large intestine (colon) and rectum are reconnected after a prior colostomy. A colostomy is defined as an opening in the stomach in which a bag is placed to drain bowel movemen...
Mr Gale has been documenting his procedure - before, during and after - on a blog to try and help normalise having a colostomy bag. RUNNING THE GAUNTLET OF BAG CRITICS; Robert wants to help people who posted negative comments after he showed off his colostomy bag at Parkrun The colostomy...
Depending upon your needs, the surgery will remove the part of your bladder (urostomy), small intestine (ileostomy) or large intestine (colostomy) that is too damaged by your medical condition to recover on its own. During the procedure, your surgeon will also create a stoma, an opening on...
ostomy - surgical procedure that creates an artificial opening for the elimination of bodily wastes stoma - a mouth or mouthlike opening (especially one created by surgery on the surface of the body to create an opening to an internal organ) Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. ...
These three words and the images they convey produce dread in many people who know very little about them. An ostomy is a surgical procedure that creates an opening on the abdominal wall for waste products to move out of the body. It is performed when a medical condition is so severe that...