Another popular example of this is in the phrase "caught red-handed", meaning either caught in an act of crime or caught with the blood of murder still on one's hands. At one point, red was associated with prostitutes, or now, with brothels (red-light districts). In Roman Catholicism,...
Catholicism and other Christian traditions use blue as a symbol for the Virgin Mary. [2,4] In parts of the East and parts of the Arab world, blue protects against the 'evil eye.' [2,4] In some Asian countries, blue is associated with the occult, and blue eyes are a sign of ma...
Pink also celebrates the belief that family members will one day reunite with their departed loved ones. 6. Purple As a counterpoint to the color pink, purple represents pain, grief, and suffering. The symbolism of purple is a later influence of Catholicism, wherein purplesymbolizes sadness and...
when it found itself facing a different kind of threat, fromRoman Catholicism. Following close upon the Portuguese musketeers were missionaries who, sent by theJesuitfounderSt. Ignatius of Loyola, sought to convert Ethiopia to the Western church. The most successful of these was the JesuitPedro ...
the existingSlavstates, Mieszko acceptedRoman CatholicismviaBohemiain 966. A missionary bishopric directly dependent on the papacy was established inPoznań. This was the true beginning of Polish history, for Christianity was a carrier of Western civilization with which Poland was henceforth associated....