由于Jet这个colormap实在太丑了,Matlab又没有自带Viridis colormap,于是我自己在网上找了Viridis colormap如下: viridis= [ 0.26700401 0.00487433 0.32941519 0.26851048 0.00960483 0.33542652 0.26994384 0.01462494 0.34137895 0.27130489 0.01994186 0.34726862 0.27259384 0.02556309 0.35309303 0.27380934 0.03149748 0.35885256 0.27495...
9. 使用Viridis colormap绘制特定图表 除了热度图和散点图,我们还可以使用Viridis colormap绘制其他类型的图表,比如等高线图。示例代码如下: importnumpyasnpimportmatplotlib.pyplotasplt plt.rcParams['image.cmap']='viridis'x=np.linspace(0,10,100)y=np.linspace(0,10,100)X,Y=np.meshgrid(x,y)Z=np.sin...
I would like to know how is it possible to use properly a viridis colormap in order to draw scatter figures. For instance, i have this figure to plot : ThemeCopy figure(2) plot(x1,y1,'^r','MarkerSize',8,'MarkerFaceColor','r') % plot(x1,y1,'^r','MarkerSize',8,'MarkerFaceColo...
The viridis_white colormap is a modification of the Viridis colormap that was introduced in Matplotlib in 2015. In viridis_white, the yellowish sequence is replaced by a white sequence. It allows some additional flexibility when it comes to using a colormap on a white background. Note: The...