Visual dyslexia is certainly not a new phenomenon. It's not a visual problem that can be helped with regular eyeglasses, and it affects people with a wide range of intellectual abilities, including those of great intelligence and talent. ...
Among the problems of existing colored stone grading systems is that the model chosen is based on diamond. While diamond does share a number of quality factors with ruby and sapphire, others are partly or wholly inappropriate. For example, beauty in diamond is largely a function of the ma...
BEIJING,Oct. 31 (Xinhua) --TheChineseDefenseMinistryonThursdayurges"somepeople"tostoplookingatChina'sarmssalesthrough"coloredglasses." DefenseMinistryspokesmanYangYujunmadetheremarksatamonthlynewsbriefinginresponsetoareportissuedbySweden'sStockholmInternationalPeaceResearchInstitute.Accordingtothereport,Chinahasovertaken...