ROTC programs are part of the college curriculum and usually cover the cost of tuition. Does The Colorado College have any ROTC programs? Each branch of the miltary has its own ROTC program, but not every program is available at every university. Possible programs include Army ROTC, Air Force...
ROTC奖学金Army ROTC offered on campus, Navy ROTC is offered on campus, Air Force ROTC offered on campus 学生群体 男女同校是 本科生人数27,846 男女比 全日制本科生人数25,727 学生种族划分 国际学生占比来自122个国家,占总数的7% 平均年龄20 ...
其他贷款College/university loans 奖学金和助学金 基于需求的奖学金Federal Pell grants, SEOG, State scholarships, Institutional scholarships, Private scholarships 基于非需求的奖学金Academic scholarships, Music/Drama scholarships, Athletic scholarships, ROTC scholarships, Alumni affiliation scholarships ...