degree programs through 13 colleges and schools. The Business School is located on the Downtown Denver Campus in one of America's most vibrant urban centers, just steps from the Denver Center for Performing Arts, the LoDo District, and the state capitol. The Anschutz Medical Campus includes...
Uni-lamellar liposomes can therefore be prepared with such tethered oligonucleotides. When two liposomes prepared with different but complementary oligonucleotides were combined, lipid mixing assays revealed bilayer fusion. One of the requirements in these assays was that membrane anchors on complementary ...
Optimal results were achieved with a configuration using 12 months of look-back and 12 months of look-ahead data for uni-variant data. Contrary to common normalization practices such as Z-Normalization or Min-Max Scaling, Equations (1) and (2), respectively, it was observed that applying ...
sFoofr liintesrtaantucree, ,itnratnhseittiroannssiitniognesnmeraanl aagreemdeefinnt elditearsatgurraed,utahlepcrooncceespsetsisofdseofcinieetdalacsh"aangger.aFdouralinpsrtoancecses, ionf tilttussOiocininohhnsyootsfaeetesteccmdwthertduiottteiareerrrbhrnTrcmTtratiaaeaiuniahfrnnnrncculaslraabt...
wwaatteerrss..LLooww3H3Hinidnidcaicteastetshatht agtroguronudnwdawteartweritwhiinthtihnetYhuemYuamanadaSnadnSLaunisLMuies- sas infiltrated before the 1950′s, and 14C data are consistent with bulk residence times of thousands of years (4800 and 11,500 uncorrected 14C years before present). ...