DUI DUI laws and penalties in Colorado continue to get increasingly harsh. Learn More Sex Crimes These charges are extremely serious, and the consequences are both severe and long-lasting. Learn More Active Military We represent members of every branch of the military with a full range of crimi...
SUBJECT TO THE NEWFELONY DUI LAW? FREE ONLINE DUI FELONY CASE EVALUATION-CLICK! Arrested forDriving Under A DUI Restraint In Colorado? There are penalties. Arrested forDomestic Violence?♦First Time Offender Domestic Violence Charge Colorado♦Domestic Violence Colorado Jail Time♦How To Get Domes...
Our criminal defense lawyer in Colorado Springs, CO has you covered. Contact Christian Schwaner P.C. today for a free case evaluation!
Colorado Springs Utilities Recommends Easing Water Restrictions, PenaltiesLawns and pocket books across Colorado Springs could get somerelief if City Council approves a...Mendoza, Monica
Colorado state law permits six forms of gambling: Casino gambling in licensed casinos; The Colorado lottery; Betting on horse races through the Colorado Division of Racing; Online legal sports betting; Licensed charitable bingo and raffles; and Social gambling, such as poker night among friends. Ot...
and that the "system" will understand this, giving them minimum penalties when they represent themselves. However, this is not the case. DUI is an aggressively prosecuted crime in Colorado, whether the accused has a criminal record or not. Thus, strong legal representation is an absolute must....
(and on city blocks for one block in any direction of the mall). But there are several locally licensed consumption venues in Colorado Springs and Denver, and Colorado residents can smoke in the comfort of their own homes — assuming they own their home or their lease does not have any ...
The Persistent Drunk Driving Act passed in 1998 by the Colorado legislature increases penalties — including fines — for repeat DUI offenders. The money from the fines is allocated to Law Enforcement Assistance Funds to fund programs aimed at preventing drunk driving and educating the public about ...
While no doctor has been prosecuted or charged for violating Idaho's abortion ban, Souza said health care workers believe there is a real risk they could face criminal penalties for terminating a pregnancy in emergency situations. "How do you tell someone who's afraid that their fear is unfoun...
Colorado law defines deadly weapon as a gun, knife, or any other object capable of killing or inflicting substantial bodily harm. Deadly weapons include ordinary articles such as pipes, bricks, or ropes that are used to injure or kill. Many crimes such a