People drink to relax, celebrate, or hang out with friends in the Colorado Springs area all the time; there is nothing wrong with that. However, there are times when people have issues struggling with substance abuse, substance use disorder, and the addictive power alcohol can have on some p...
Colorado Springs DUI classes Commercial License DUI Court process D DMV points Driver’s license suspensions Driver’s license suspension periods DUI causing injury DUI checkpoints DUI of drugs (DUID) DUI summary of 42-4-1301 C.R.S. DUI per se ...
Police: Alcohol a Factor in 100-MPH Colorado Springs Motorcycle Crash
An alcohol monitoring device is used to detect whether a person has consumed alcohol. These are typically placed on an offender when: he or she has committed an offense in which alcohol was involved (for example,DUI); he or she is forbidden from consuming alcohol while under supervision; ...