Rain Yesterday:0.00 in Storm Rain:0 in This Month:0.06 in Season Total:0.06 in 1 rain day in January. Wednesday Sunny Humidity/BarometerAlmanacMoon Humidity:52% Dew Point:2.8°F Barometer:30.28 inHg Baro Trend:Steady Sunrise:7:17am
The Colorado Trail Race is a self supported bike ride. The specific rules for the CTR are here:https://jwookieone.com/colorado-trail-race/colorado-trail-race-rules/Know the rules it is the riders responsibility! Ther rules are there to keep it equal among riders, maintain the ethos of se...
Just up and around the corner from it, there is a gate closing off the road from motor vehicles. There is also a small parking area if you have rented out the old fire watch tower for the night. I have to tell you as a storm was starting to role in, I was thinking how cool it...
Shirt Stop is one of the most established providers of custom screen printing, embroidery, and promotional items in Colorado Springs. Offering the best selection of promotional items, apparel and corporate gifts.
We had four straight weeks in April where a snow storm rolled through and dumped significant amounts of snow on Loveland (we got 30″ in April alone). While we desperately need the water, a nice warm, soaking rain would have been a welcome change. Forget about any of my spring bulbs ...
"I don't think that we expected our customers to believe that they were going to have all their power turned off at noon yesterday, and that it was going to take time to inspect the lines and make sure that they were safe before being re-energized. And I think t...
The 2023 Colorado Trail Race follows a challenging 530-miles route winding through the Colorado Rocky Mountains between Durango and Denver. The riders of this year’s grand depart took off early yesterday morning, and with their help, we’ve gathered details on more than 30 rigs that are out...
And so it was that yesterday I led a tour of about 20 people during the Denver Architecture Foundation’sDoors Open Denver, our city’s annual two-day invitation to explore architecture and spaces normally off-limits to the general public. CalledNetworks of Denver: Evolution of a Smart City,...
Audio: Bob Dylan & George Harrison Cover ‘Yesterday’ – May 1970 December 12, 2014 Interview: Meet The Man Behind The Best Bob Dylan News Site, ‘Expecting Rain’ December 11, 2014 Audio: The Juliana Hatfield Three Return With ‘If I Could’ December 11, 2014 Video: The Hold Stead...
"I contacted Good Knight Roofing yesterday to come out to do a roof inspection before we sell our home. I received a call back from them quickly. Phillip was able to come and perform the roof inspection and gave me a detailed explanation Thank you for such prompt service! We appreciated ...