12 "SECTION 1. In Colorado Revised Statutes, 8-2-113, amend 13 (5)(a) as follows: 14 8-2-113. Unlawful to intimidate worker - agreement not to 15 compete - physician employment agreement - prohibition - exceptions 16 - notice - definitions. (5) (a) (I) EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN SUBS...
[ 4] Under Colorado law: A claim for exemplary damages in an action governed by [§ 13-21-102 of the Colorado Revised Statutes] may not be included in any initial claim for relief. A claim for exemplary damages in an action governed by this section may be allowed by amendment to the ...
This bill changes statutes related to sealing criminal records. These new statutes for record sealing do not apply to offenses that are only traffic related. “In addition, criminal justice record sealing is not eligible for a felony crime related to the victims bill of rights offenses...