The Colorado Lottery is empowered under Colorado Revised Statute 24-35-201 and all rules contained within the statute define the Colorado Lottery's powers, responsibilities and duties. Any changes to the current statute governing operation of the Colorado Lottery must be made by way of legislative ...
Section 18-3-103(1)(b) of the Colorado Revised Statutes (CRS) Title 18 of the Criminal Code outlines Colorado’s felony murder rule. According to this section, felony murder comprises situations when an innocent person dies as a result of you or an accomplice committing – or attempting to...
Arizona ARS § 12-553 Limited to Equine Activities Colorado C.R.S. §§13-22-107 Florida Florida Statute § 744.301 (3) Florida statute that allows a parent to release a minor’s right to sue Virginia Chapter 62. Equine Activity Liability § 3.2-6202. Liability limited; liability actions...
Amend revised bill, page 8, line 19, strike "(2)(a)" and substitute "(3)". Page 21, line 3, strike "(3)(a)(III)," and substitute "(3)(a)(III) AND THE WAIVER SET FORTH IN SUBSECTION (3) OF THIS SECTION,". Page 22, after line 22 insert: "(3) IN ADDITION TO NOT RES...
20 the state treasurer for distribution as follows:21 SECTION 7. In Colorado Revised Statutes, 39-28.5-107, amend22 (2)(a), (2)(b)(I), (2)(b)(III), (2)(c), (2)(d) as follows:23 39-28.5-107. When credit may be obtained for tax paid.24 (2) (a) Credit shall be ...
You can review the enforcement of mailbox regulations with the engineering department at the post office closest to your residence. Did you know that if your mailbox does not meet the required regulations or is considered unsafe, USPS in Mesa County is authorized (per Colorado Revised Statute 43...
Nebraska Law and Policy.Nebraska’s FFPSA Plan references two statute revisions related to the FFPSA. One is that Nebraska revised Statute §29–2260-02 so that the Office of Juvenile Probation could enter into a Title IV-E interagency agreement with Nebraska’s DHHS to seek reimbursement under...
We will notify you of any material revisions by sending you an e-mail and/or by placing notice of the revised Policy on the Services or any place through which you access the Services. For material changes to the Policy, you may be required to acknowledge acceptance of such change. For ...
The statute of limitations for failing to report child abuse has been extended from 18 months to three years. The law kicks into effect when a mandatory reporter “has reasonable cause to know or suspect that a child has been subject to unlawful sexual behavior or who has observed ...
The Act, which is codified in Colorado Revised Statutes Section 8-5-101,et seq., removes the enforcement authority of the director of the Colorado Division of Labor Standards and Statistics in the department of labor and allows employees who believe they are being paid less because of their ge...