It has beenseven weeks since Colorado made historybecoming the first state in the country to legalize recreational marijuana, butthe demand is greater than expectedand while above-board, the drug itself could contain surprises. “As we know of today, you cannot die from cannabis,” said expert ...
We're far from CLEARING THE SMOKE over recreational marijuana use. A new federal policy announced this past week takes a tough line. It's a challenge to states that have legalized use, including, most recently, the biggest state of all. Our Cover Story is reported by Barry Petersen: "I'...
Annals of Emergency MedicineHowe, CW Innovations in water management: lessons from the Colorado-Big Thompson Project and the Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District, Chapter 6. In: Frederick, KD eds. (1986) Scarce water and institutional change. Resources for the Future, Washington, DC...
The real problems our community faces like gun-violence, housing costs, climate change, educational inequity, racism, and healthcare access demand a clear, mature, and reasoned look at changing policy. I promise that I will be a representative who puts the people of our community first. Donate...
Just like I can’t take normally benign aspirin because in combination with warfarin it can cause internal bleeding. I argued for legalized marijuana decades before we adopted Amendment 64. But the strongest argument in favor of legalization is that a legal drug can be regulated and controlled ...
Colorado legalized marijuana in 2012. Why wasn’t this legislation passed then? Also, why stop at one ounce or less? Does possessing two ounces or more make you some kind of evil villain? Furthermore, why stop at marijuana?All drugs need to be legalized — now. ...
Having legalized and regulated recreational marijuana, should Colorado pursue legalization of recreational psilocybin aka hallucinogenic mushrooms? Voters are going to decide this issue in November. Regardless of the outcome, I’ll make sure the state is ready to implement the ...
holidays. For that reason, please be careful to keep alcoholic drinks, chocolate, grapes, raisins, currants, and fatty meat scraps away from dogs and cats. And, in Colorado and other states that have legalized marijuana, please do not allow your dogs and cats to eat any edible marijuana ...
"All it is saying is we are seeing more teenagers coming into the ER or urgent care who are being diagnosed with cannabis abuse or have a urine drug screen positive for marijuana," Wang said. The increase also could be "the result of increased awareness and an increased emphasis toward det...
The legalization of recreational marijuana in Colorado was associated with both increased hospital visits and cases at a regional poison center because of unintentional exposure to the drug by children, suggesting effective preventive measures are needed as more states consider legalizing the drug, accord...