Colorado's frontier roots and high-tech modern triumphs at this sharp, smart and charming museum. There are plenty of interactive exhibits, including a Jules Verne–esque 'Time Machine' that you push across a giant map of Colorado to explore seminal moments in the Centennial State's hist...
科罗拉多州历史中心(History Colorado Center)中心前身为科罗拉多州历史博物馆,在这里,游客可以了解到美洲原住民的历史、毛皮交易和矿山开采等过去丹佛人民的生活,喜欢美国西部历史的人不妨来一探究竟。
科罗拉多大学自然历史博物馆(University of Colorado Museum of Natural History): 地理位置:15th St & Broadway, Boulder, CO 80309 特色:丰富的自然历史展品 门票:成人约10美元 游览时间:1-2小时 午餐: 餐馆:The Sink 地址:1165 13th St, Boulder, CO 80302 特色:当地标志性餐厅,提供汉堡和披萨 ...
在History Colorado Center进入历史回廊,探索Colorado。在这里您可以体验互动式展览、兒童和成人项目、特别活动和文化表演,以及能在研究中心找到的大量书籍、手稿、摄影、文件、地图和其他古器物。这里不但是获奖的旅游目的地和学习娱乐中心,也是一个购物和用餐的地方。在礼品店购买各地食物和工艺品、Colorado和西方历史的书...
Colorado History Comes Alive at New MuseumThe History Colorado Center is decidedly more fun than a lot ofother history museums. Its...John Schroyer
科罗拉多州历史中心(History Colorado Center) 在History Colorado Center进入历史回廊,探索Colorado。在这里您可以体验互动式展览、兒童和成人项目、特别活动和文化表演,以及能在研究中心找到的大量书籍、手稿、摄影、文件、地图和其他古器物。这里不但是获奖的旅游目的地和学习娱乐中心,也是一个购物和用餐的地方。在礼品店...
History Colorado opens its exhibit "The 90s – Last Decade Before the Future" with a look at a decade of massive change in culture, music, industry and events in Colorado and the world.
- 历史,概述(History, General) 多学科研究(Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies) - 博物馆学(Museology/Museum Studies) -多/跨学科研究,其他(Multi-/Interdisciplinary Studies, Other) - 国际关系(International/Global Studies) - 科学技术和社会科学(Science, Technology and Society) - 认知科学(Cognitive Science) 外...
The site is not intended to be all-inclusive, but to present an overview of local history. As the Museum receives new information, photographs and funding, our goal is to maintain it as a dynamic and ever-changing site. Please contact the Museum or Historical Society if you would like to...
Colorado History Historic Facts & Overview of Colorado History Take a peek at Colorado history. Discover an overview of Colorado's rich history, heritage, historic events, and culture. Called the "Centennial State," because it became the 38th state when the U.S. turned 100 in 1876, Colorado...