The article reports on the decision of the Fire and Police Pension Association of Colorado to wind down its portable alpha program. The portable alpha program is used by pension managers to create enhanced index returns. The associated clarifies that it is not giving up on hedge funds, but it...
if any, social security benefits a person could receive if they ever worked in the private sector before and or after taking on a public sector job that receives a pension. This impacts jobs like teachers, firefighters, police, postal workers ...
Specifically, the new Social Security law repeals policies known as the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO), which together act to reduce Social Security payments to 2.5 million retirees. International Association of Fire Fighters General President Edward Kelly...
state departments and agencies, state and local government, public employees' retirement association, fire and police pension association, and military and veterans affairs; and * Standing transportation interim committee: Issues and policies related to transportation and motor vehicle and traffic regulation...
The article deals with the plan of the 3 billion U.S. dollar Colorado Police and Fire Pension Association (CPFPA) to propose the cancellation of a planned 70 million U.S. dollar mandate for a global inflation-linked bond manager at its December 2010 meeting.DuganKevin...
Colorado Fire and Police Changing PolicyReports that the Fire & Police Pension Association of Colorado will conduct an asset allocation study in a year and will focus on its international fixed income mandate.W...
The article reports that the Colorado Fire and Police Pension Association (FPPA) has ended its search for a global inflation-linked securities (GILS) manager in 2010. It recently hired two bond managers, CS McKee and ...
was poised to sign the bill. The president was scheduled toholda signing ceremony for the measure on Monday at 10 a.m. Eastern Time, according to the International Association of Fire Fighters, IAFF, and the National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO), although his schedule could ...
The article reports that the Colorado Fire & Police Pension Association launched four private equity investments at its June 13-15, 2012 meeting and will issue a request for proposals for a custodian in the fourth quarter of the year.Davis...
Reports on the results of a study on asset allocation/liability of the Fire and Police Pension Association of Colorado in 2005. Views of chief investment officer Bill Morris on matching their allocations with their funding; Percentage of the investment plan's target allocation to domestic equity; ...