Motorist who are convicted of having fake, suspended, altered or stolen plates could face a minimum sentence of 10 days in jail, a $150 fine or both and a maximum sentence of 90 days in jail, a $300 fine or both. For more information on how to register a vehicle visitDMV Colorado ...
License Plates Colorado Rockies license plates are available through all Colorado Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) locations. You can show your Rockies pride with a signature license plate and know that 100% of your $52.80 donation to the Colorado Rockies Foundation is supporting youth sports, edu...
Motorist who are convicted of having fake, suspended, altered or stolen plates could face a minimum sentence of 10 days in jail, a $150 fine or both and a maximum sentence of 90 days in jail, a $300 fine or both. For more information on how to register a vehicle visit DMV Co...