RapidScreen roadside testing units are rotated regularly to collect data from as many vehicles as possible. Access ourRapidScreen Locationsfor the current and upcoming weeks to find unit locations. Quick Information All Air Care Colorado testing stations operate on aFIRST COME, FIRST SERVEDbasis.HOWE...
A multiple tasks analysis for assessing pollutant loadings to the atmosphere and air quality impacts from emissions from traffic congestion at the POE was conducted using the U.S. EPA developed MOBILE6.2 and AERMOD models. Emissions of PM2.5, Nox, CO, and VOCs were estimated for years 2006, ...
Characterizing Air Emissions from Natural Gas Drilling and Well Completion Operations in Garfield County, Coloradomultiple sites in the plume (typically 50 to 500 m downwind). Where feasible, VOC sample canisters will also be collected at prescribed setback distances to provide ...
The federal government announced a $241.5 million settlement with Marathon Oil on Thursday for alleged air quality violations. Jul 11, 2024 EPA issues toughest rule yet on power plant emissions Coal-fired power plants would have to capture smokestack emissions or shut down under a new EPA rule ...
42 from the requirements of this section because their emissions of43 hazardous air pollutants will result in an inconsequential risk to public44 health.45 SECTION 4. In Colorado Revised Statutes, 25-7-114, amend the46 introductory portion; and add (3.3) as follows:47 25-7-114. Permit ...
About Colorado State University Energy Institute Colorado State University Energy Institute (CSU Energy Institute) focuses on addressing energy and climate challenges within the research and education sector. The institute works on solutions to reduce air pollution, lower carbon emissions, and increase acce...
BLDX Inc. - Denver, CO $200,000: BLDX has developed a universal building intelligence platform to permanently archive building information and meet greenhouse gas emissions reporting requirements for building performance standards. Brightspot Automation LLC - Boulder, CO $250,000: Brightspot Automation...
Like any form of transportation, private aviation has an environmental impact. Private jets consume more fuel and produce more carbon emissions than commercial airlines, which can contribute to climate change and other environmental issues. However, there are efforts being made to reduce the environment...
Summary:(1) Requires all individual sources of pollution at an oil and gas location be treated as one source in the construction permit (including pre-production emissions); (2) creates new standards that new pollution sources (a) cannot contribute to exceedances of air quality standards; (b)...
year into the air nationwide, which will warm the climate over the next 20 years as much as the carbon dioxide from 44 coal-fired power plants. By adopting these rules, Colorado can show other states, and the country, the way to dramatically reduce their climate-damaging methane emi...