Fast Text Color This Obsidian plugin allows you to create beautifully colored interactive notes using a custom coloring syntax. Features Wide variety of available formatting options Full live preview support Multiple ways of applying/removing color to suit your individual needs Multiple intuitive editor...
Apply to subfolders should apply once, not in perpetuity. *Debatable Fix bug where modal preview does not update if only text color is changed Support If you find this plugin helpful and would like to support its development: About Obsidian plugin to customize the appearance of folders and file...
Navy blue's deep shade embodies professionalism and stability, offering a reliable backdrop for sophisticated designs. Learn more about the color navy blue in this guide.
I love how you canbulk image resizerand compress your images as well as add new filters to them in one click! You can save them all in seconds with just a click too - it's so easy to use and makes everything painless. PhotoKit is the best! 附上我的color schemeObsidian.tmTheme: 代码语言:javascript 复制 <?xml version="1.0"encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPEplistPUBLIC"-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN"""><plist versi...
I love how you canbulk image resizerand compress your images as well as add new filters to them in one click! You can save them all in seconds with just a click too - it's so easy to use and makes everything painless. PhotoKit is the best!
Obsidian Pastel RecognEyes Retta Roboticket Schuss Solarized Dark Solarized Light Sublime Text 2 Sunburst Tango Vibrant Ink Wombat Zenburn You can download additional themes or create your own Contributing Since pretty much all Eclipse Color Theme users are developers, and sinc...
Obsidian Glass 00NN 13/000 ICI Paints Similar Paints Behr ★ Carbon Copy PPU25-01#545554 ΔE = 0.432 / LRV ≈ 9.0% Nirlat (נירלט) ★ Midnight Wanderer / NRC017#545554 ΔE = 0.432 / LRV ≈ 9.0% AMC ★ Gray Mist#555553 ΔE = 0.603 / LRV ≈ 9.1% Sikkens ★ ON...
preview.rb is a simple script that allows you to preview the color schemes without having to import them. It parses .itermcolors files and applies the colors to the current session using iTerm's proprietary escape codes. As noted in the linked page, it doesn't run on tmux or screen....
a new crop of reformers is staging its own insurgency, working outside traditional media and often in spite of it. “I don’t know that we can integrate fairly at this point,” Angela Ford, founder of the Black media start-up Obsidian Collection, says. “It’s time for the world to...