Different light sources may have thesamecolor temperature,butthe photographic results obtained with each may be quite different. motion.kodak.com motion.kodak.com 因此不同的光源可能 具有相同的色温,但用胶片在这些光源下拍摄会得到十分不同的影像效果。
Depending on the mix of phosphors in the bulbs, the color temperature can range from tungsten up to natural daylight.Fluorescentbulbs are often packed into small fixtures, allowing them to becompact and light weight. They are also much cooler than any other bulb option. LED (White: 3000K –...
Likewise, a CRI of 75 means that the light bulb renders a 75% replication of the visible colors that the sun shows, given that both lights have the same color temperature. That means that if the reference light is the light of the sun during sunset time, the light source being measured...
1.The color of a star is measured and quoted in terms of itscolor indexbut basically depends on surface temperature: the star will radiate predominantly blue, white, yellow, orange, or red light in descending order of temperature (seespectral types). Only the brightest stars have recognizable ...
color temperatureThe color of light, expressed in Kelvins (K). The sun is about 5800 Kelvins. This is called a "temperature," because the hotter fire gets, the more it changes from a warm yellow glow to white.The lower the Kelvin rating, such as the common incandescent/tungsten bulb, ...
Color Temperature Selectable White Color/Finish White Color/Finish Family White Commercial/Residential Residential Damp/Wet Rating Wet Rated Dimmable Capability Dimmable Features Selectable Lumens IC Rating IC Rated Included No Additional Accessories Indoor/Outdoor Indoor Light Bulb Type Included Integr...
This chart is a good depiction of differing CRIs, with each image having the same warm color temperature (2700K):
Light from a match, incandescent light bulb, and candle flame are all considered warm. As you can see from the chart below, light during the day changes from warm at sunrise/sunset to cool at mid-day. Other lights are different colors. Mercury vapor lamps produce a bluish-green light. ...
Color temperatures of light sources:http://www.digigo.com/color_temperature.htm(1 Jan 2006) Color of a candlehttp://www.astronomycafe.net/qadir/q490.html(1 Jan 2006) Theoretical max lumens per watt, other terms:http://www.topbulb.com/faq/glossary.asp(1 Jan 2006) ...
Light bulb type LED Brightness 500 lm About this item Product details Features and Benefits: Compact Multi-function work light, five lights in one. Can be used as a droplight, hands-free light, UV light, bright white light and a high CRI light with Streamlight's Color-Rite Technology...