Color spaces are large or small, meaning there's a limit to how saturated a color can be in any given color space. If the color in question is outside the gamut boundary, it cannot be reproduced in that color space. There is nothing you can do about that; it's a hard limit. Th...
Color spaces are large or small, meaning there's a limit to how saturated a color can be in any given color space. If the color in question is outside the gamut boundary, it cannot be reproduced in that color space. There is nothing you can do about that; it's a...
As shown in Figure 2, in a color fundus photograph, we can see the major retinal landmarks, such as the optic disc (OD), macula, and central retinal blood vessels (CRBVs), on the colored foreground surrounded by the dark background. As can be seen in Figure 3, different color channe...